Tuesday 8 April 2008


Production : Evaluation : PartcofPD

What was your aim? Did you actually achieve your purpose.? Your own personal opinion.
Now …..you must gather audience feedback by playing your programme to members of your target audience..... or arranging for some of them to actually listen live during the broadcast. You should then write under the following headings :

What did they say about the show? Did they take your preferred reading? Or did they have an oppositional reading? Why?
What did they say about the following things….

Representation issues.
Did you give a positive image of the bands? ... what might you have included to change this image?
Did you play songs by only male artists or was there a mixture?
Were different ethnic groups catered for?
Were the requests only from girls... or boys.. or both?
Did you make fun of the ‘older generation’ by commenting badly about ‘older’ music if you played any? Can you see why this could be a problem?
Were you biased in anything you said?
Did your show sound realistic for the genre?

Technical issues
What were the levels like?.... did you keep between 4/5 on the PPM?
Was the balance of voice/music o.k?
Did you cut off anyone’s voice by fading the voices in too slowly?
Did you remember to always follow a commercial break with a jingle and then a piece of music?
Were there any embarrassing gaps?
Did you ever leave the mike faders up by mistake?
Did you remember to wear your headphones during speech segments? Why is this important?
Did you reach the news accurately and on time?
Did you vary the way you linked the music tracks together? Sometimes voice… sometimes jingles/ID’s.

What do you think was typical of this genre? Make a list.
What would be the same in a programme on a professional station?
Do they have any advantages over you?
Features of good narrative include.... the ‘tease’ at the start of the show.... the ‘enigma’.... ‘the resolution’.... did you use any of them?

Own performance... self evaluation
Did you learn any new skills?
How do you think you did? ..... strengths.... weaknesses.
Were you a good team member? Why?
Did you argue?

Future targets
What would you improve on next time?
Produce a brainstorm of some ideas on:
1. PROMOTING your show next time, to attract more listeners. Advertising?…. Web site?
2. How else might you DISTRIBUTE it, apart from a live broadcast like the one you have just done on Radio Grangefield/PGFM? CD?.... Web site?...

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